
  • Little Busters The 4 Koma
    Little Busters!' story revolves around the main protagonist Riki Naoe, a young male high school student. When Riki was a child, his parents died, leaving him hopeless and depressed. What saved him was a group of his friends who referred to themselves as the Little Busters; they took Riki out and played together with him during his time of need. He really enjoyed playing with them, and his grief gradually faded away. When the story begins, they are in their second year of the high school they attend. They still hang out together, and enjoy their school life. (c) Wikipedia
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Kami no Shizuku
    Shizuku Kanzaki is the son of a recently deceased, world-renowned wine critic named Yutaka Kanzaki. In order to take ownership of his father's legacy, an extensive wine collection featuring some of the most rare labels of the last 30 years, he must find 13 wines, known as the "Twelve Apostles" plus the heaven-sent "Drops of God" that his father described in his will.

    But despite being an only child, Shizuku is not alone in this unique wine hunt. He has a competitor. Issei Tomine, a renowned young wine critic, was recently adopted into the Kanzaki family and is also vying for this most rare of prizes.

    La Revue du vin de France, the most prestigious wine magazine in France, has awarded this series with the "Special Award of the Year" in 2010.

    (Source: MangaUpdates)
    Updated: 2021-11-04