
  • Kinnikuman Lady
    Meat, trainer to the great Choujin superhero Kinnikuman.He thought his job was done helping his greatest subject become a master Choujin and king of his homeworld. But...what if upon waiting for his next subject,the little trainer was sent to another world...
    where Kinnikuman has yet to become a great hero yet... and is...female!? Welcome to the world of Kinnikuman Lady!
    (Source: MU)
    Updated: 2021-08-25
  • Kinnikuman II Sei: Kyuukyoku Choujin Tag Hen
    After the terrible battle against the Demon Seeds peace has been restored and thus Mantarou is wasting his time away sleeping around, like usual... Suddenly he has a weird dream of him fighting a tag match against the Original 'Machine guns' team (Kinnikuman x Terryman tag team)... Even weirder is that the machine guns aren't 60 something, but are instead in their top form at their finest age, as they where when they won the universal tag team championship... Could this weird new vs old dream mean something?

    As he awakes from his afternoon nap, Mantarou realizes that there are some evil beings floating around the sky that call themselves Time Choujins, after sending a weird challenge they just banish in thin air without leaving a trace.
    Updated: 2021-09-08
  • Kinnikuman II Sei - All Choujin Daishingeki
    • Yudetamago
    • On Going
    • 8 chapters
    Kinnikuman II Sei: All Choujin Daishingeki is an alternate retelling of Kinnikuman II-sei series.
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Kinnikuman Nisei
    What do you do when a team of evil superpowered wrestlers from another planet threatens the health and safety of the Earth? Organize a team of GOOD superpowered wrestlers, of course! Mantaro, the son of legendary wrestler Kinnikuman, rockets to Earth and finds an evil wrestling gang called the dMp tearing the place apart. The punks on the dMP are the weirdest, nastiest, most outlandishly powerful musclebound freaks the galaxy has ever known. Mantaro's only hope: form a team that's even wilder. Lazy and cowardly, Mantaro sure doesn't look like the universe's last great hope, but when something upsets him -like, say, EVIL - he busts out in muscles just like his dad! The only possible result is earthshaking, bodyslamming, ultimate-powered action that sends our entire planet sailing over the top rope!
    Updated: 2022-07-19
  • Kinnikuman
    Kinnikuman (a.k.a. Kinniku Suguru) is a cowardly, clumsy, moronic, gyuudon-devouring excuse for a superhero (or Choujin)... who just happens to be the prince of an alien planet. But despite his pathetic appearance, he is very honorable and can become quite powerful when he needs to be. With his sidekick Meat-kun and fellow Choujins Terryman and Ramenman there to help him, Suguru quests to become the greatest Choujin on the planet. Whether with a combination of tremendous heart and stamina (The Burning Inner Strength) or the "Power of Friendship", Kinnikuman frequently defeats villians 10 times more powerful than him and often causes his enemies to have a change of heart and join him. Though he seems destined to be an idiot forever, slowly but surely Kinnikuman becomes worthy of the title "Hero".
    Updated: 2021-08-25