
  • Chocolate And Dogs Are Forbidden
    The unknown UP owner Long Kai Ran fed a stranger on the side of the road on his way back from a supermarket purchase, and the other person showed symptoms of food poisoning! Ryu Kai Ran, who wanted to leave, but his conscience didn't let him, returned to see what was going on, and took a look at Shepard, a canine who claimed to be homeless! Giving a helping hand - "If you can share the rent, anything?"
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • He is her hero
    You need to know one thing about Mia Chen: she hates surprises. New foods, new people, dates…she has a single priority in life: her work as a director for a top fashion magazine. And keeping her superpowers under wraps, that too. When a handsome but half-dead man emerges from a magical portal and witnesses her powers, she has no choice but to help him recover. When her magazine sales begin rapidly declining, she has no choice but to use him as their top model?! The biggest surprise in Mia’s life? True love.
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Mosspaca Advertising Department
    The daily lives of manhuajia Old Xian (19 Days), Tan Jiu (Their Story) and their studio head, Moss, who run an advertising firm together.

    Also includes various advertisement concepts and a few side-stories, as well as guest appearances from the authors' other series.

    (Source: MU)
    Updated: 2020-12-26