• Dethrone
    There exists a martial arts contest in Japan that is of no concern to boys. Girls who possess the Dragon Queen`s spirit gather at a special academy. The goal - fighting each other to make the soul of the Dragon Queen one once more. How? Why? By fondling their defeated opponent`s breasts, of course!
    (Source: M-u)
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Atori Shou
    Atori has an unsual part-time job : she’s a demon hunter! After school, she’s hunting demons for a mysterious organization named N.U.E. To kill her enemies, she unsheathes her sabre hidden in her hair. However, Atori, herself, is half-demon, but she forgot everything about her past. Even though she’s different, she was able to overcome the difficulties and made friends with both humans and demons. Even though her life was calm so far, a terrible shadow now lurks around her...
    Updated: 2021-08-26