Sylvia Andrew

  • Kedakaki Yakusoku
    Katherine's old life is destroyed with the death of her brother at the Battle of Waterloo. Due to British laws she is unable to inherite her own estate and is at the mercy of her uncle's family. Her only hope lies with her brother's commanding officer who owes her a favor.
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Hanamuko no Yakusoku
    Till death us do part. A solemn wedding vow, and one Lord Deverell's young bride ardently wishes to bring about - sooner rather than later! Only minutes after the wedding, Alexandra is brandishing a pistol at her husband, accusing him of ruining her father and killing her brother. So Deverell makes one more, wholly unexpected, vow: that he's completely innocent of both crimes and will prove it.
    (Source: MU)
    Updated: 2020-12-26