• Arcana+ 02: Male Seniors
    1) 3つと3者の時間 - Time of Three Things & Three Persons
    2) 眠れる森の嘘つき王子と偽文学少女 - The Liar Prince & Fake Literature Girl of the Forest That Can Sleep
    3) 熱血ファンクラブ - Hot Blood Fan Club
    4) あまりの器 - The Container of Not Much
    5) 似せ者同士
    6) 追え!謎先輩
    7) 好きな人の、好きな人
    8) 仰げば春
    9) 学ランの先輩 - Gakuran no Senpai
    10) 先輩はヴァンパイア
    11) 綴じた花
    12) 殺し屋 赤頭巾~先輩との正しいつきあい方~
    13) 恋のミルクティー - Love's Milk Tea
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Dia Horizon - Kimi no Tame ni Oneechan ga Minna Koroshite Ageru
    • MIKAWA
    • On Going
    • 1 chapters
    University student Shinji, who felt trapped in life because he couldn't make progress romantically or with finding a job, was given a chance to reincarnate. Moreover, he was given a "fated partner" to be with. He wondered if a happy life would begin, but then it began -- an eternal death game where he must kill constantly, only ending when he finally is killed himself.
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Persona 3 4koma Gag Battle Broken Hen
    Updated: 2020-12-26