
  • Yuri Seijin Naoko-san
    The surreal gag manga follows a quiet, timid girl named Misuzu whose older sister Naoko is returning from studying aboard. However, when she hurries home to meet her sister, Misuzu instead encounters Naoko-san, the strange alien from Yuri-sei (Yuri Planet) who loves eroticism, yuri, and girls.
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Watashi no Oniichan
    A series of "bishōjo"-centered manga booklets that were released weekly for a short time in Japan.
    The manga would come packaged with a limited edition plastic-figure assembly kit, designed by Ohshima Yuki, of the featured character of the week:
    Volume 1 - New! - Figure for volume 1 - Mion
    Volume 2 - Two! - Figure for volume 2 - Ashita
    Volume 3 - Hot! - Figure for volume 3 - Harusame
    Volume 4 - Why!? - Figure for volume 4 - Sonome
    Volume 5 - Bye! - Figure for volume 5 - Eruron
    Bonus volume - eXtra! - Figure for bonus volume - Tetora
    There is a conspicuous absence of the brothers (oniichan) of the title, as only the little girls are 'portrayed.
    (Source: MU)
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Terumina
    • Kashmir
    • On Going
    • 4 chapters
    This is the story of a catgirl and her excursions along the railways of Japan.
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Daydream Nation
    Comedy about a high school manga club. A frog god who can turn into a good looking guy lives in the club meeting room, but that has very little to do with the plot. He's there to just read manga.
    Source: Mangafox
    Updated: 2021-08-25