• Hakoniwa Cosmos
    Nagahara Fuwa has just transferred to All Girls Private High School Cosmos and happens to get acquainted with two of the most popular girls in school, who also happen to be twins.
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Neko Shitsuji
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • 888
    888 is follows Hisago, Tsukumo, Shimeki, and Kobayashi-Kun, Shimeki's cute doggie. These four run a detective agency. Though they usually dont get a lot of customers, Hisago’s dad still gives them money every once in a while so they stay afloat. But when they do, boy are they big cases (they have to find a lost pet).
    There’s no blood in this story though Shimeki does get kidnapped by his ex-wife and is forced to make dinner for her with a knife to his head. There are no mysterious deaths or high speed chase scenes. They’re simply a detective agency who just happens to be floating along picking up any case they happen to get. (Source: Karoshi)
    Updated: 2021-08-25