• Guin Saga
    The story centres around a mysterious warrior named Guin, an amnesiac with a leopard mask magically affixed to his head. Remembering nothing but his fighting instincts and the word "Aurra", he confronts a world laden with danger, intrigue, and magic.
    The manga is based on the early part of the story and is adapted to manga format by Hajime Sawada, as part of the Jive series Kurimoto Kaoru The Comic, adapting Kurimoto's works to manga form.
    (Source: Wikipedia)
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Koishirazu: You Don't Know What Love Is
    • KURIMOTO Kaoru
    • Complete
    • 2 chapters
    • Drama
    Yashiro Junichi is a genius on the saxophone that is tormented by the past until it finds Eiji, a ferocious drummer trying to take your heart by force.
    Updated: 2020-12-26