Idea Factory

  • Shiro to Kuro no Alice

    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Juuza Engi - Engetsu Sangokuden
    It’s the end of the Han dynasty, when rivaling chiefs hold their authority.
    In order to defeat the Yellow Scarves, a group of rebels that want to defeat the Chinese Empire, military officers scattered around the country meet, forming a punitive force. The battle unfolds.
    This is the story of Kan'u, a girl of the Cat Tribe living in these turbulent times, and her fight.
    (Source: Fallen Syndicate)
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Shinobi, Koi Utsutsu
    Manga based off the popular otome game of the same name, tells the story of 17 years old Katagiri Kaede that is determined to be a ninja studying in the famous Fujiwara Ninja Training Academy. One Day, Kaede accidentally cast a genjutsu (illusion jutsu) called "Mero-mero Jutsu" which causes any guy within a range to falls head over heels in love with her! Now, she has to pick one of the guys she charmed to train together so she can pass her ninja exam. Trouble is, the guys she charmed are all popular guys in the academy! What will happened to our heroine from now on...?

    (Source: Paperdolls Project)
    Updated: 2020-12-26