IKEDA Takashi

  • The Two of Them Are Pretty Much Like This
    Scriptwriter Sakuma Elly and rookie voice actress Inuzuka Wako. The two of them are pretty much like this.
    Updated: 2022-03-01
  • 34-sai Mushoku-san
    They say that the prime of one's career happens in their mid-thirties. During that time, women plan many things and tell themselves, “I won't let this year go by without doing anything!”
    And then, a 34 year-old's life begins, hearing a new vacuum cleaner hum in the night shifts her moods as the Galactic Railroad runs in her mind...
    Shall we take a look at an unemployed's slow, laid-back daily life?
    [written by Shoreijuu@MU]
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Sasameki Koto
    Sasameki Koto is the story of Murasame Sumika, an intelligent and athletically gifted girl who just happens to be in love with her best friend, Kazama Ushio. Unable to confess her feelings, Sumika can only stay by her side and watch over her. After all, the biggest obstacle to her love is something that she can't change. It has nothing to do with the fact they're both girls; Sumika just isn't Kazama's type!

    Kazama is only into cute girls and Sumika's cool personality just doesn't fit the bill. Much to her friend's dismay, Kazama is always eager to share news about her latest crush. With the duo's knack for attracting trouble, it looks like Sumika's trials have only just begun.
    Updated: 2021-08-25