Huang Jia Li

  • Flying Free
    No synopsis has been added for this manga yet.Click here to update this information.
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Thousand Years Romance
    A collection of three stories.

    Summary of story 1 from Selene Scans:

    A light-hearted shoujo that is beautifully presented by a Taiwanese mangaka named Huang Jia Li.

    The manga is divided into three episodes: The Myth of the Laurel Tree, The Eden Garden Fantasia, and Midsummer Night's Fantasy.

    The Myth of the Laurel Tree:
    The story makes references to the story between Apollo and a nymph he met in Greek mythology, although this information is not required to enjoy the it.

    Laurel (*hint, hint) and her younger sister are supposed to go to Egypt for another one of her "stone-collecting" vacations.

    However, things take an unexpected turn as soon as she meets a young man named Apollo (*hint, hint) who, in many girls eyes, may be too beautiful for words. For example, instead of being on a plane to Egypt, as she originally planned, the plane is hijacked by two odd terrorists to change course to Greece--even though that is already the intended destination!

    To makes things even weirder, the two hijackers' names are Cupid and Pan. What's going on?
    Updated: 2021-08-25
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream
    A collection of oneshots.
    1st Story: Mountain Love - A story of a girl, who is under stress to get into a medical school and one day, falls in love with her doctor.
    2nd Story: A Mermaid is Singing - A story of a boy, who tries to commit suicide (because of certain medical reasons) and a girl who tries to stop him.
    3rd Story: Autumn Night's Dream - A story of an architect and a girl who helps him to realise his real dream.
    4th Story: ECHO - A story about a girl who knows the people who killed their class president but is unable to express her own thoughts.
    5th Story: The Sleeping Time Paradox
    (Source: Chinatown KM)
    Updated: 2023-02-15
  • Everybody Loves Cupid
    Cupid accidently hits himself with his own arrow and falls in love... But how can Cupid not know how to make her love him in return?
    Updated: 2021-09-08