• Sengoku Basara 2
    With the death of Nobunaga, Japan is thrown into a mist of battle once again as the many warlords of the nation try to unite it as one. But can any succeed when faced against Nobunaga's sucessor, Toyotomi and his lust for power thats sets the flame for war as he try to take over the world fulfilling his ambitions of absolute power?

    (Source: Bliss)
    Updated: 2021-08-25
  • Tokage
    "Eternal life means... that I will not be given for all eternity. I don't want anything anymore. I only want one thing, a story with an end."
    An organisation has been targeting this one soul for nearly eight hundred years. This soul exists in a lizard who has been cursed with immortality. By implanting its soul into a dead body, Tokage will rise again.
    While many desire eternal life, this soul does not want to continue to suffer. With an organisation aimed at protecting spiritual order, how does Tokage plan to escape its perpetual burden?
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Kaiyuu no Mori
    Low instincts, guilt, sin and fascination for the forbidden meet inside this forest full of harsh and fascinating tales. Because, after all, all human beings have secrets. Some hide feelings condemned by society and other hide the darkest and most shocking secrets...
    Updated: 2021-08-25