
  • Emotion Chip
    Placed on the back of the neck, iMood chip can easily control one's emotions with a light touch. 20 short years after the invention of iMood, the society seems to be in peace, but the crisis of the collapse of human emotions looms beneath. Yu Qing Le is a police officer who also has an iMood addiction. One day, a dead girl is found nailed to the ceiling which is just a start for a serial killer...
    Updated: 2021-07-31
  • They All Want to Marry Me! Help!
    • Wei
    • On Going
    • 60 chapters
    When God closes a door, he opens a window—oh! not A WINDOW, but many fancy FRENCH WINDOWS!
    The day she was dumped by her ex, she was defended by a handsome white-haired guy, who claimed to be her fiance? before kissing her.
    Updated: 2020-12-26