
  • Arcana+ 02: Male Seniors
    1) 3つと3者の時間 - Time of Three Things & Three Persons
    2) 眠れる森の嘘つき王子と偽文学少女 - The Liar Prince & Fake Literature Girl of the Forest That Can Sleep
    3) 熱血ファンクラブ - Hot Blood Fan Club
    4) あまりの器 - The Container of Not Much
    5) 似せ者同士
    6) 追え!謎先輩
    7) 好きな人の、好きな人
    8) 仰げば春
    9) 学ランの先輩 - Gakuran no Senpai
    10) 先輩はヴァンパイア
    11) 綴じた花
    12) 殺し屋 赤頭巾~先輩との正しいつきあい方~
    13) 恋のミルクティー - Love's Milk Tea
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Oo Seyo!! Sengoku Gakuen Seitokai
    This manga takes place in a school where the students are based on famous shoguns in Japanese history. Sengoku Gakuen was once like a normal school but Oda Nobunaga, the student president overthrew the teachers and practically made them powerless. He built a school of the students, for the students and by the students. Nobunaga eventually graduated and left Hideyoshi in charge as the student president. However, Hideyoshi soon drops out of school to help Nobunaga rule Japan as he ruled Sengoku Gakuen.
    The story picks up here as there is a battle between Ishida Mitsunari, an uptight and conservative, yet hardworking boy, and Tokugawa Ieyasu, the temporary school president who has lots of followers, fighting for the school president seat. We also see other famous figures as fellow students such as Ootani Yoshitsugu who is loyally following Mitsunari and Oichi, Nobunaga’s younger sister. Who will win the student body president position and take command of the school?
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Arcana 15: School Uniform
    Volume 15 : School Uniform
    1. Boku no Gakkou wa (My School Is) by Fujimura Ayumi
    2. +1 by Aoto Takane
    3. Bukiyou na Sahou (Clumsy Manners) by D. Kissan
    4. Gold☆March by Serikawa Mame
    5. Kimi to Issho ni (With You) by Gunjou
    6 Osharekko?Seifuku Wars☆ (Fashionable Girls?Uniform Wars☆) by Mikawa Verno
    7 Suwaranai Otoko (The Man Who Doesn't Sit) by Hosuka
    8 Seifuku Wars ―Aru Henkaku ni Kansuru Shuki― (Uniform Wars ―A Memorandum of a Certain Revolution―) by Kari Erika
    9. Yoiko no Oyuugi (A Game for Good Kids) by Shirohito Rita
    10. Body☆Guard by Saeki Yashirou
    11. Emu-san Emu-san by Mizuhara Kenta
    12. Zekkou Renai (Breakup Romance) by Mihoshi Gane
    13. Sayonara Tonari no Shounen (Goodbye, Boy Who Lived Next to Me) by Kumeta Natsuo
    14. Ru-sama, Kochira Desu! (Ru-sama, Here!) by Shindou Arashi
    15. Kagazono-san by Maruyama Shiro
    16. Hero Retsuden Gakuen Sentai Blazer 3 (Hero's Biography School Squadron Blazer 3) by Igarashi Ran
    Updated: 2020-12-26