• Coin Laundry No Onna
    A comedy manga following the escapades of Maoko, a strange girl who lives in a laundromat, prone to scaring customers by jumping out on them from the dryer. Each chapter follows Maoko and a variety of other characters who frequent her laundromat, and often revolve around an aspect of life, from Christmas to job hunting to getting a pet and more.
    Updated: 2020-12-26
  • Tsumitsuki
    In the town that Takada Chinatsu moved to, there's a legend about demons called Tsumitsuki that possess the feelings of guilt a person has over their sins. Those who are possessed are slowly devoured, body and mind, as the demon manifests. As one of Takada's friends starts acting strangely, her classmate Kuroe steps in to help... but his true motives are hidden behind a mask.
    (Source: Storm in Heaven)
    Updated: 2020-12-26